Saturday, December 12, 2009

Working Of A Plumbing Drum Trap

By Scott Rodgers

The plumbing traps are elemental in the overall working of your plumbing framework. When it comes to ensuring a serene schema to your home, the traps play a key role.

The essence of the traps is attributed to the two basic functions that they perform. On one hand, they prevent the sewer gases from entering back into the building and on the other hand, they catch the objects which are not meant to be drained. The name 'trap' is accredited to this particular function only.

Of all the varieties of traps available, the drum traps are the most outdated one. In the present scenario, they have been replaced by the more sophisticated s-traps and p-traps. Though, they are now a thing of the past but they have their own offerings. This eliminates the need of replacing them if your household is still equipped with one such trap.

If you want to determine whether your trap is a drum trap or not then move to the vicinity of a plumbing segment such as a sink, bathtub or toilet. The presence of a miniature capped segment at the surface of the floor confirms the presence of a drum trap. This visible fragment is actually the access cap of the drum trap that allows easy unclogging job. To retrieve a heavy item from the drain, open the lid of the trap and remove out the concerned object.

Due to the presence of an access cap, the drum traps are easier to unclog than their counterparts. Uncapping the drum and inserting the snake tool into the length of the pipe doesn't require any expertise. For instance, if your ring drains down the sink then trap is one place to retrieve it. Open the lid of the trap and take out your ring.

A water-seal should be maintained in the trap as it enables the trap to keep off waste gases from reverting back. Sometimes the water level in the trap goes down which in turn reduces the efficiency of the trap. Hence, proper supply of water should be fed to the trap to maintain its water-seal.

Always remember to keep a large-sized bucket or container at you disposal while opening the access of the drum trap. The pressure of the water may result in an overflow. Also, keep the expertise of a professional in tact throughout the life of the project.

If you decide to replace your drum trap with a more advanced one then avail the services of a plumber.

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