Thursday, October 1, 2009


By Steven Lyndhurst Smith

Some businesses can often have problems with post distribution and these problems can become rather daunting. Mailroom designs that are ineffective can cause precious manpower to be tied up. This results in your business suffering and can lead to a poor quality of service.

Planning your office with a strategic mail distribution system is vitally important so that the system can work week in week out with no difficulties. The systems and processes that are in place need to be sufficient so that in event of an illness another member of staff will be able to take the role to allow mail delivery to every department to continue to run smoothly.

To save yourself any unnecessary future expense it is important to plan for possible future expansion. Building a mailroom that can only cope with the current number of employees when your business is growing by 10% each year will inevitably prove to be rather costly when future expansion is needed. Therefore you should predict the growth of your company and build a mailroom that is free to expand.

It is also important to make sure that you choose the right equipment for your mailroom. This might sound obvious, but so many times equipment is chosen purely because Its what we had at my last company and it worked there. Every companies mail needs will vary, as different companies receive and send different types of mail. Some companies send only small letters, others send mostly parcels. The type of mail trolleys, racking etc that you equip your mail room with depend upon this information.

Good mailroom design causes you to handle as much mail as you can, using the least amount of people possible and doing so efficiently and reliably all the time. You may wish to reconsider the layout and design of your mailroom if you are finding that is hindering your delivery process. A new design can also be helpful as mailrooms can often become employee depended, this means your mailroom can fall to pieces if an employee takes time off work.

Mailrooms can be overlooked but it is important for them not to be. To allow your business to continue at peak performance it is important to have an effective mail delivery system so as not to affect your bottom line

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