Monday, October 5, 2009

Finding A Good SEO Company

By Isabel Brown

As a web designer you must know that the success of any website depends upon three basic things. As far as the first thing is concerned, it is keywords. It is quite important. The second thing is content and the third thing is the link building. A variety of techniques like link building as well as forum posting and the directory submission is being used to get better page ranking of various sites. You must keep it in your mind the following point. That company will be better which will take your website to the top and gives the guarantee to provide the best maintenance facilities as well.

The first thing which you will have to make sure is that you will have to select a list of SEO companies. Now start checking a variety of facilities being provided by these companies. Just make an excel sheet and make one column of list of SEO techniques. List all the SEO techniques like link building, forum posting, and directory submission in this column. Make two more columns of facility provided and cost. Now your excel sheet is ready. You will have to use new excel sheet for a new company. You can just copy and paste the format.

After this, just open all the website of different SEO companies. You should check all the SEO company and tick mark in the sheet the facilities which these SEO company provides. You should also talk about the price which they take for each technique.

Once the sheet is prepared, then your next step will be to ask each SEO company to present the work status and ratings from the previous employers. Now you will get an idea that which company is the best for your website.

On the other hand there is one more twist in the tail. There are some companies which are quite good in the start but as the time passes by their services go on becoming poor and poor. This is certainly a very significant thing which you should keep in mind. Some companies do use the very wrong techniques like that of black hat technique. These techniques will work very well in the commencement but as the time will pass by then you will experience the bad things about these techniques. It might be that your website is even expelled. This can be a severe damage to your business. Hence you should make sure in advance that the company pursues the well known techniques or not.

If you will keep all the above points in your mind then it is quite sure that you will find the best SEO Company for yourself. This will be a great booster for your business.

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