When people delve into online MLM, frequently the first thing they are looking to do is generate free network marketing leads. But what are the most effective ways vs. ones that are all hype?
There are tons of techniqes that supposed gurus spout out and some of them are very effective at getting free network marketing leads. Things like video marketing, social media marketing, forum marketing are all effective.
However, one method of getting free network marketing leads that has been around for years, and is still extremely effective is article marketing. Especially when combined with other techniques that we talked about above. Here is a real life example of this in action.
One of the best ways to use article marketing to generate free network marketing leads is to utilize the resource boxes in your articles. When you do that you can connect it to any of your web pages, a squeeze page or to a home business blog and is one of the most efficient ways to get links back to your website.
Furthermore, webmasters frequently visit article directories and will borrow your content in whole for re-publishing on their website. That is actually the real purpose behind websites like that. However, when they do grab your content, they are required to take your resource box along with them, and your links go with that article as well, which helps even further in your attempt to get free network marketing leads.
More and more your content gets picked up, your links in the resource box go all over the internet, this generates backlinks to your web pages. This in turn makes your own content look like its more relevant to search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. This helps you in your effort to get free network marketing leads.
A particularly new twist to all of this is when you couple articles with social media marketing to help you generate free network marketing leads. For example, a certain website owner recently went and took one of my own articles for use on his site. Next, that owner was using Twitter to market his own site and in particular the content of mine that he had used on his own site. All of this marketing my content with my links on his website. Just think of someone who is marketing your content and getting traffic all to you, all with the use of articles.
That is the power of using articles to get free network marketing leads today. The combination of several different mediums, and even other people to help propogate your content all over the internet.
To learn even more ways to help you generate free network marketing leads, read below and click on the link for more information.
There are tons of techniqes that supposed gurus spout out and some of them are very effective at getting free network marketing leads. Things like video marketing, social media marketing, forum marketing are all effective.
However, one method of getting free network marketing leads that has been around for years, and is still extremely effective is article marketing. Especially when combined with other techniques that we talked about above. Here is a real life example of this in action.
One of the best ways to use article marketing to generate free network marketing leads is to utilize the resource boxes in your articles. When you do that you can connect it to any of your web pages, a squeeze page or to a home business blog and is one of the most efficient ways to get links back to your website.
Furthermore, webmasters frequently visit article directories and will borrow your content in whole for re-publishing on their website. That is actually the real purpose behind websites like that. However, when they do grab your content, they are required to take your resource box along with them, and your links go with that article as well, which helps even further in your attempt to get free network marketing leads.
More and more your content gets picked up, your links in the resource box go all over the internet, this generates backlinks to your web pages. This in turn makes your own content look like its more relevant to search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. This helps you in your effort to get free network marketing leads.
A particularly new twist to all of this is when you couple articles with social media marketing to help you generate free network marketing leads. For example, a certain website owner recently went and took one of my own articles for use on his site. Next, that owner was using Twitter to market his own site and in particular the content of mine that he had used on his own site. All of this marketing my content with my links on his website. Just think of someone who is marketing your content and getting traffic all to you, all with the use of articles.
That is the power of using articles to get free network marketing leads today. The combination of several different mediums, and even other people to help propogate your content all over the internet.
To learn even more ways to help you generate free network marketing leads, read below and click on the link for more information.
About the Author:
Go learn to generate your own free network marketing leads so you'll never have to waste money on another network marketing lead again.
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