Sunday, September 20, 2009

Your Four Customers - Wholesale Costume Jewelry Buyers

By Tina Moorey

There are various types of jewelry shoppers. Those that love to pick up and feel the odd piece that beckons mysteriously to them and those that scour thrift markets, garage sales and the Net for the cheapest pre-loved bargains of the century or clearance sales. If you've ever dreamed of owning an antique or fashion jewelry store; chances are you have a love affair with trinkets, jewels and gems that sparkle, shimmer and shine.

It's rather handy to ascertain how a jeweler views you as here's the breakdown of shoppers. These tips and brief outlines should help you meet each customer with confidence and the ability to give them what they want. Which one are you? Understanding the various types of shoppers that will peruse and hopefully purchase from your retail or wholesale costume jewelry store is vital.

Despite hail, rain and snow, they have to have the best price when the big final clearance sale hits. Bargain Shoppers shop for quality merchandise at a low price and are happy to visit various stores to ensure the best deal, but they are unlikely to waste time and effort on low quality products either. Discount Shoppers are the 'Let's get the job done at the lowest possible price available and will wait outside at 2am' type shoppers.

It's easy to find what's hot to sell with these shoppers. Just look at the celebs. I love Brands Shoppers have an emotional connection with the products they choose and price is never their main priority. Celebrity endorsed merchandise works exceptionally with this type of shopper. Monkey see, monkey do, they could also be called.

If others have it too; then as one would expect this group no longer want it! The Better Than Shoppers believe that they are 'better than' others and will purchase according to having something that others cannot have for a variety of reasons... How much fun would it be to shop like this?

Understanding these different types of shoppers will prove beneficial as no doubt they are all your potential customers. There you have it. When deciding upon your next pieces of wholesale fashion jewelry you wish to buy; whether they are as gifts for loved ones, an important personal occasion or as stock for your new jewelry business adventure; it's a good idea to know what type of shopper you are aiming for.

Love fashion jewelry and want to get into the business of selling online? Come and discover the easy way... If you are frustrated not being able to find good quality fashion wholesale jewelry supplies, now is your opportunity to discover all the suppliers you want PLUS the full instructions for building and running your own wholesale fashion jewelry business. Don't be one of those that says "One day" Make today YOUR day!

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