Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cover Letters Samples Secrets

By Cynthia Penfold

If there is a job you really want, it is important for your cover letter samples to be exceptional. There are many people currently unemployed and as a result, employers are bombarded with applications for every existing position. For this reason, your cover letter has to be the best or you can forget about getting the job.

You can no longer depend on having your cover letter stand out just because there are no spelling and grammar mistakes. Years ago, this type of attention to detail may have made you stand out but not anymore. In fact, right now even one small error can result in your cover letter being dropped from consideration.

When creating your cover letters samples, there are some important ideas to keep in mind. First is the length. Your cover letter should be long enough to get your point across, and get you noticed, but not so long that the potential employer will not bother to read it.

After that you should make sure your cover letter is readable. This is because when a potential employer first looks at a cover letter, he usually only scans it quickly. Based on this quick scan, the employer makes important decisions about whether or not they want to consider you further for the job. Keeping the length of paragraphs short in your cover letters samples makes it easy for an employer to scan your resume and common fonts and sizes also help.

In conculsion, do not ever trash your previous employer in your cover letter. Your previous employer may have made a lot of mistakes but pointing these out will not make you look good and can result in you not being considered seriously. It may be necessary to mention your previous employer but only do so to discuss the work you did there that qualifies you for the position you are seeking and do not speak unkindly of the previous employer for any reason.

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