Monday, August 3, 2009

Web 2.0 Real Estate Marketing Is The Wave Of The Future

By Alexis Jameson

Web 2.0 real estate marketing is putting a new face on the world of real estate. Web 2.0 is a second internet or a more refined internet, depending on who you ask. The main idea of the Web 2.0 is social networking. Twitter, You Tube and Facebook are familiar applications that compose the Web 2.0.

Not too many years ago, if the average person had a question about the possibility of selling their home, they could go on the internet and find a realtor's website. Find the appropriate place to enter their question and wait for someone to call them back. Many people did not like this way of getting information. One, they had to send their personal information across the internet. And two, now they have a realtor that is trying to pressure them to buy or sell a home.

With Web 2.0 real estate marketing, people can ask all the questions they like and get answers from professional realtors. If someone wants to know what properties are going for in particular area, they can get the information and not be pressured by anyone. They can peruse the ads or videos of homes that are for sale at a time that woks for them.

For the realtors, Web 2.0 helps to get your listings out in front of as many people as possible. Mash ups combine many databases and your listings will be seen more frequently because of this technology. More people are on broadband or DSL internet connections, so you can make videos tours of the homes that you are trying to sell.

With the use of Web 2.0 applications, realtors can stay abreast of marketing trends and current interest rates. If your clients ask you a question that you cannot answer, you can either point them in the right direction or research the answer yourself. By using Facebook, a realtor can link their listings to their home page.

By utilizing the Twitter application, realtors have another way of reaching their clients and allowing those clients to reach them. You can send links to homes that you think your different customers might be interested in. If you have first time home buyers, you can send article links that you feel will to be the most useful to them.

A good place to start for either a realtor or for John Q. Public is a site called Active Rain. This site should be able to link anyone to whatever it is that they need to know about real estate, moving and anything else related. Web 2.0 real estate marketing has done wonders for the industry and the Web 2.0 has done just as much for other businesses. The younger generation is already plugged into these networks, so they can lead the way for older generation that is still trying to figure out their email.

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