Friday, August 7, 2009

Learn Spanish Quick - From Beginner to Expert

By Martina Chavez

It can be hard to keep all the rules in mind when you're a Spanish language beginner. It's especially hard if you're trying to learn without the benefit of a one-on-one teacher. Most people would opt for an audio course if they could; many people just don't know that good ones are available.

Once you want to learn Spanish as beginners, you will need to devote the time for learning the language and most of the programs are designed in well-structured manner so that you can speak, read and write the language proficiently within 30 days. The minimum knowledge required for communicating with the people is generally obtained within 30 days, however if your aim is to get high-level grammar learning, you will need to devote yourself for the learning of the language.

My Name Is: The next phrase is: "me llamo". For example, I would say "me llamo Chris" which means "my name is Chris". The "me" is pronounced as "muh". Like the word "mutt" but without the "tt" sound. "Llamo" is pronounced as "ya-mo". The "mo" part sounds like "mow" as in "mow the grass".

Por Favor: Por favor means "please". You should always add this to the end when you ask for anything in a store or to a waiter. e.g. "Coke, por favor". It is pronounced "por fa-vor". The "fa" sound is very short, so the emphasis is on the "por" and the "vor" sounds. "Por" sounds the same as the English word "poor". "Fa" sounds like "fat" without the "t". "Vor" is a bit more tricky. It sounds a bit like a combination between an English "b" and "v" sound, but more like a "v".

Learning More: The best way to learn Spanish is to self study. Classroom methods are very outdated and have a very high failure rate. Instead, you should look at an audio self study course. You can learn at your own pace and you don't need any textbooks, pens or paper. Forget about rote memorization of word lists or pulling your hair out when trying to use grammar - with audio courses you don't have any of these problems.

You have two main paths that you can take to learn Spanish. You can either take a class at your local college (or wherever it is offered) or you can learn using an online course. I took the online route for one major reason: You can work through the material at your own pace! This means that you can go through each lesson as fast as you would like rather than sticking to a schedule that an instructor would set for you (which are usually much slower than you would like). The specific online course I used was Rocket Spanish. More on that a later. Because before you get started, there is one huge thing you need to do...

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