Thursday, August 6, 2009

Is Affiliate Marketer Friendly?

By Bruce Carl

Knowledge is potential power. The goal of my website is to provide knowledge that assists readers in making money online and learn from other people's costly mistakes. I recently had some business dealing with I have decided to write about my dealings with Hoping that all readers will learn from my situation. This information should allow you to save both time and frustration. is the second incarnation of my making money blog. My first attempt was hosted at I chose because of my past dealings with the Wordpress software. I had tried out software from and several other sites. Wordpress has several features that drew me in. Wordpress allows users to easily extend their blog's functionality through widgets and plugins. was attractive because of its builders. The gentleman who created the Wordpress platform also created ( vs., n.d.). There were several features that prompted me choose

1. My experience with the Wordpress blogging platform

2. Stated that they had over 70 templates available

3. Availability of plug ins and widgets

4. Ability to track daily stats from your main dashboard

5. Easy to market ""

The relationship started out well. I signed up three blogs "", "", and "". I focused on I began looking for an appropriate template. When I went to the available templates, I found approximate a dozen templates. Access to the 70 plus templates requires payment. Not a problem, there were many free templates available online. I went and found one I really liked, only to find out that you cannot upload external templates. No problem, they had one I liked.

I was not concerned. I could still personalize through widgets, right? Not so fast, external widgets are not allowed. You are limited to the widgets makes available. also does not allow java script to be inserted in Text widgets. Greatly reducing a person's ability to monetize their blog.

I was able to insert HTML into widgets. This allowed me to place small banner ads in the blog's sidebars. Not as lucrative as Google Adsense or Amazon may be but it was something. This type of advertising does require you to manually change the code to show a different ad. I was not completely turned off. Wordpress after all is a great blogging platform.

I reached a point where I was happy with my blog's look. It was not perfect but was the best I could reach without paying extra money. I was not trying to get something for free. I was more than happy to pay for's extra services. I just wanted the blog to be self sustaining. I began posting links in different blog directories and posting everyday. Within a week, I was seeing some results. My blog had a high day of 12 unique visitors and was already indexed in I was pretty pleased.

I wrote a variety of posts. They ranged from product reviews to sites and resources that I believed would help people make money. Each post was about something that I had personally either used or read. My goal was to assist readers not peddle crap.

I was expanding my knowledge while providing information to assist reader's in their own business. My next move was to register with blog directories. I found a website that listed 50 high profile blog directories. I spent many hours posting to these directories.

Doomsday soon came. I signed up with a internet marketing course called Blogging for Dollars. In my view, this course offered some very useful tips. I believed readers would find it helpful. I wrote a review post about my experience and posted it.

I woke up Thursday morning and checked my blog's stats. The blog was gone. My screen now stated that "This blog has been archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service". I was still able to sign in to my account and view my blog. I also could still view stats for my World's Dumbest Criminals blog that was not hosted with but used their statistics widget.

I did not write anything bad. Every time I quoted someone else, I stated the author, site I quoted, and linked to the source. I reviewed's Terms of Service. Of course,'s Terms of Service is a couple of pages long. I was looking for restrictions that could be relevant to the posts I had made. Here are the ones I found:

1. "the downloading, copying and use of the Content will not infringe the proprietary rights, including but not limited to the copyright, patent, trademark or trade secret rights, of any third party"

2. "you have fully complied with any third-party licenses relating to the Content, and have done all things necessary to successfully pass through to end users any required terms"

3. "the Content is not spam, is not machine- or randomly-generated, and does not contain unethical or unwanted commercial content designed to drive traffic to third party sites or boost the search engine rankings of third party sites, or to further unlawful acts (such as phishing) or mislead recipients as to the source of the material (such as spoofing)"

4. "your blog is not named in a manner that misleads your readers into thinking that you are another person or company. For example, your blogs URL or name is not the name of a person other than yourself or company other than your own"

I only saw one potential problem. I had posted about products where I included an affiliate link. My recommendations were not meant to cause anyone pain or harm. They were products that I had found useful and wanted to share them with readers. My review included an offer to prove I used the product.

I believe there are two sides to every story. I sent's support an e-mail asking for an explanation of how I violated's Terms of Service. I did not request nor expect the decision to be reversed. After all, it is their site. They have the right to refuse service to anyone. I respect their rights. I just wanted to know why and maybe offer an explanation. After sending the ad, I had to go to work. I recieve my e-mail on my Blackberry and waited for a response.

Throughout the day, no answer from came. It was not in my spam filter. Nope, no answer there. In checking my other two Wordpress blogs, I realized that my login was now suspended. Well, I guess Wordpress does not believe in customer service. Just shutoff your account with no explanation. They have this right but a little customer service might avoid articles like this.

I am not writing this article out of revenge or spite. My goal is to allow other budding affiliate marketers the chance to learn from my story. Wordpress is a great blogging platform. Affiliate marketers only need to be careful when trying to make money. It appears that wants to provide a great blogging long as you are not trying to make money.

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