Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Falke " The Most Superior Sock for Men?

By Pri Vag

A great fitting and comfortable pair of socks can really help your feet enjoy their day, from arch support to climate regulating fabrics. Whilst many different fashion brands focus more on the appearance, sock specialists such as Falke have invested in technical functionality for a well rounded sock.

Lots of designer socks for men look great, but do they last? All too often I have to throw my best socks out because they have holes in the toes or heels. Whilst quality is very important in a good sock, I have been surprised at the ways in which a sock can be improved for comfort. I have very slim fit and need to wear orthotics in my shoes, so any extra help from my socks is very welcome.

Whilst most specialist sock brands make some effort to make technically proficient socks, I have found none that compare to Falke. It is a German company that has been established for over 100 years, specialising in innovative socks aimed at improving quality and comfort. This article focuses less on the actual appearance of the sock (pattern and colour) and more in terms of their design construction and clever use of materials.

The first hurdle a sock must overcome to be considered technically proficient is availability in a large range of sizes. The wider the range of sizes, the better fitting the sock will be as it is more tailored to the shape of your foot. The reason this is so important is because socks are designed to fit from the heel to the arch to the ball of your foot to the toes. If the sock is slightly too big the sock provides no support, whilst if it is too small it will constrict your foot causing discomfort.

Whilst most sock specialist brands have a range of sizes (as opposed to the one size fits all approach from many fashion brands), few have as many size options as Falke. In fact, their mens dress socks come in six different sizes; 39-40, 41-42, 43-44, 45-46, 47-48, 49-50. This vast array of sizes guarantees that you will find a pair of mens socks that fits perfectly.

A technically superior pair of socks must also be of excellent quality. Falke make every effort to create a durable sock, with its reinforced heel and toe (most common places for holes) and reinforced stress zones on every pair of mens socks. In addition, a majority of their socks have a pressure-free hand linked toe which ensures that the toe seem is closed with a flat and smooth finish. Without this feature, the seam bobbles and can cause discomfort when wearing a snug fitting pair of dress shoes.

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